Drinking Water Conservation


No later than March 31 of each year, the Town is required to complete a report on the quality of water supplied for human consumption during the period from January 1 to December 31 of the previous year.

This report must indicate the minimum number of samples to be taken, the number of samples taken for each parameter, and the number of samples analyzed by an accredited laboratory during this period. The report must also specify, for each exceedance of standards observed, the parameter in question, the location concerned, the maximum authorized concentration, the measured concentration and, where applicable, the measures taken by the person responsible to rectify the situation.

You will find these reports in the download area of this tab.

In order to preserve the quality and quantity of the resource, a municipal by-law governs the use of drinking water.

Here are the main points concerning watering :

  • Manual watering (with a hand-held shut-off nozzle) of gardens, lawns and trees is permitted at all times.
  • Removable sprinkler systems for gardens, lawns and bushes are permitted from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on even-numbered days for even-numbered addresses and on odd-numbered days for odd-numbered addresses.
  • Automatic watering is permitted only from 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Watering of new lawns is permitted at any time on the day of installation and every day for 15 days from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
  • Washing of vehicles is permitted at any time provided that a hose with an automatic shut-off device is used.
  • Washing of driveways, sidewalks, patios or buildings is permitted from April 1 to May 15 or as a result of work that warrants cleaning.
  • Water features must be equipped with an on-call system: continuous supply of potable water is prohibited.

For more information on the use of drinking water or the regulations, please contact your town at 819 627-3273.